العامية الأمريكية، إعرف المزيد من عبارات اللهجة الامريكية الشائعة.

Rock the boat
Meaning: To do or say something that upsets people or causes problems.

نقولها عن شخص يقوم بأفعال أو يقول أشياء تغضب الناس و تثير المشاكيل
  • Cristiano Ronaldo being accused of raping a woman rocked the boat for his team.

Go by the book
Meaning: To follow the rules.

يلتزم و يتبع طبقا للقوانين و التعليمات
  • During my probationary period at Apple I did everything by the book.

Get off on the wrong foot
Meaning: To say or do something offensive.

يَجْرَح أو يهين بالفعل أو بالقول
  • My brother really got off on the wrong foot with my Chinese friend making derogatory remarks that all Asians are bad drivers.
Dyed in the wool
Meaning:  For someone to have an opinion or belief that can not be changed.
نقولها عن شخص يؤمن بشيئ أو يتبع شيئ ما و لا يمكن بأي حال من الأحوال تغيير ما يتبع أو يؤمن به. بمعنى راسخ و ثابت على مبدأه
  • I could never convince my friend to ever eat cheese because she is a dyed in the wool vegan

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