العامية الأمريكية: تعلم مجموعة مهمة من العبارات.

Cream of the crop
Meaning: To be the best of anything.

الأفضل على الإطلاق
  •  My company only recruits the cream of the crop  for job positions at our corporate headquarters.

”  Let’s iron this out
Meaning: To solve a problem or a difficult situation.

أن تحل مشكلة ما، أو تسوي مسألة ما
  • Let’s iron this problem out today, so we don’t have to think about it over the weekend.

Few and far between
Meaning: To be rare, not many, or in short supply.

شيئ ما نادر، بكميات قليلة
  • Jobs are few and far between in my small town.

The end of one’s rope
Meaning: When someone can not continue to do something any longer.

لقد طفح الكيل، طفح كيله، لا يستطيع الإستمرار بالقيام أو فعل شيئ ما
  •  I’m at the end of my rope with my boss, so I’m going to quit my job.

”  Torn between
Meaning: Someone having difficulty in what option to choose.

حائر بين شيئين
  •  I’m torn between traveling to France or England.

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