المصطلحات فى اللغة الانجليزية الجزء الثانىEnglish idioms part 2

السلام عليكم احبابى الكرام      

         استكمالا لما بداناه بعرض المصطلحات ومعانيها  سوف نعرض الان

المصطلحات التى تبدا بحرف C


to call down = (to scold, reprimand)يوبخ

Don’t call Mary down for that mistake. I am sure she did not do it on purpose.


to call for = (to go to get, pick up)يعرج على شخص كى يذهب به الى مكان ما

He promised to call for Ann at six o’clock.


to call off = (to cancel)يلغى

The flight between the two states will be called off temporarily.


to call on = (to visit)يزور زيارة قصيرة

Last night several friends called on us.


to call up = (to telephone, phone, ring up)يتصل تليفوتيا

Did Martin call me up last night ?


to carry out = ( to complete, accomplish)ينفذ

The engineer carried out this plan without difficulty.


to catch cold = (to become sick with the cold)

If you go out in this rain, you will certainly catch cold.


to catch fire = (to begin to burn)يشتعل


No one seems to know how the building caught fire.


to catch on = (to understand. particularly to grasp the meaning of a humorous story)

Did you catch on what Richard said ?يفهم -يدرك الفكرة


to check out = (leaving time, (a hotel)يسجل مغادرة -يدفع حساب الفندق ويغادر

The tourist checked out at 11 a.m.


to check up = (to examine, check, inspect)فحص طبى

Susan is going to doctor to have a general check up.


to cheer up = (to make happier, inspire)يبهج

I have some news which I am sure will cheer you up.


to come about = (to happen, result)يحدث

How did the accident come about ?


to come across = (to find by chance, or meet unexpectedly)يقابل صدفة

While I was going to Madrid, I came across my friend Martin.


to come to = (to revive)يفيق من غيبوبة

At first we thought the man was dead but soon he came to.


to come true = (to prove to be true or correct)يتحقق

What the radio said about the weather for today has certainly come true.


to cross out = (to cancel – often by marking with crosses, omit)يشطب

Why did you cross out the last line of your composition?


to cut in = (to interrupt, enter sharply into the path of another)

We were talking quietly when she cut in.


to cut off = (to remove by cutting the ends — also to terminate abruptly)

The rope was too long; so we cut off about six feet of it.يقطع


to cut out = (to remove by cutting – also to stop doing something) يبتر -ينقطع  عن -يترك

I wish I could cut out smoking.

D المصطلحات التى تبدا  بحرف 

to die away = (to diminish gradually in the distance, referring to sound)يضمحل -يزول -يتلاشى
The sound of the horn on the excursion train slowly died away.
to die down = (to decrease, lessen in intensity)يتناقص -يتضال-
The room seemed warm enough: so we let the fire die down.
to die out = (to disappear gradually but completely)يزول -ينقرض -يختفى
The style of that sport died out years ago.
to do ones best = (to try hard, make effort)يبذل قصارىجهدك
I tried to do my best to help him as you asked me.
to do over = ( to repeat, to do again)يعيد
My teacher didn’t like my composition; so I did it over.
to do without = (to get along without)ييستغنى عن
In his business he can’t do without a car.
to drop in on = (to visit informally)يقوم بزيارة غير متوقعة
Some old friends dropped in on us last night.
to drop out of = (to discontinue attendance or participation in a school, a club, etc.,)يكف عن الاشتراك العملى فى
Many students have dropped out of school due to their failure.
to dry out = (to become dry through a gradual loss of moisture)يجف تدريجيا
We can not use this wood; it is all dried out.
to dry up = (to dry completely)يجف بالكامل
It rained very little and the streets soon dried up.

E المصطلحات التى تبدا بحرف 

every now and then = (occasionally)من حين الى اخر
It rains every now and then in Lisbon.
every so often =(sometimes, occasionally, from time to time)احيانا -بين ان واخر
Every so often I feel like going to the jungle. .
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