المصطلحات فى اللغة الانجليزية الجزء الثالث English idioms part 3

السلام عليكم احبابى الكرام      

 فى هذه المشاركة سوف نكمل عرض المصطلحات

المصصطلحات التى تبدا بحرف F

83-to fall behind = (to lag, fail to keep up)يتخلف عن غيره -يتباطا
Thomas fell behind in his studies and finally had to leave school.84-to fall in love with = (to begin to love)يعشق
Bassanio fell in love with Portia.85-to fall off = (to fall from something; also, to decrease in volume)
 يسقط من مكان ما اThe little boy fell off his bicycle.86-to fall through = (to fail to materialize, collapse)يخفق -يفشل
We wanted to go abroad last summer but our plans fell through
87-to feel like = (to be inclined, have the desire to)يرغب-يميل الى
Does she feel like drinking coffee now ?88-to feel sorry for = (to pity, feel compassion for)ياسف على
89-to figure out = (to discover, reason out, to study carefully in order to understand)يكتشف–يفهم -يحلل
I can’t figure Martin out-he’s a mystery !90-to fill out = (to complete ; said of blanks, forms, etc.,)يملا الفراغ فى وثيقة او بيان
If you apply for a job, you have to fill out some application forms.91-to find fault with = (to criticizeيعيبIt is easy to find fault with the work of others.92-to find out = (to discover, learn)يكتشف
Have you found out how much the ticket costs ?93-fond of = (interested in, keen on )محب ل -مولع ب
94-fool around = to play and jokeيعبث -يحوم حولI amfool around = (to play and joke, spend time foolishly with little result)
Stop fooling around with that knife or someone will get hurt !95-for ever = ( for good, permanently)دائما الى الابد -مدى الحياة
He will leave Brazil for ever.96-for good = (for ever. permanently)دائما -الى الابد مدى الحياةWhy don’t you live in New York for good?

  Gالمصطلحات التى تبدا بحرف

97-to get along = (to do, succeed, make progress)يتقدم
Are you getting along very well in studying this book so far ?98-to get along with = (to live or work harmoniously with)ينسجم
Is the boss getting along well with his employees?99-to get away = (to escape)يهرب
The thief got away from the police yesterday.100-to get back = ( to returnيعودWhat time did you get back last night ?101-to get behind = (to fall behind)يتخلف
He never studied; therefore he got behind.102-to get better = (to become better)يتحسن
Kipps has been sick for the last month, but he is getting much better nowadays.103-to get down = (to go down, come down)ينزل
You have been upstairs for hours. When will you get down ?104-to get even with = (to be revenged)يثار
The enemy will get even with them for their crime.105-to get in = (to enter, arrive)يدخل
Will you please get in and shut the door ?106-to get in touch with = (to communicate with)يتصل تليفونيا
I will get in touch with you as soon as I get there.107-to get off = (descend from, leave)ينزل من او عن
At which station are you going to get off the train ?108-to get on = (to enter, board)يعتلى او يركب 
I get on the bus at the same station every morning.109-to get out = (to take out, to go out يستخرج
This tool is too big to get out.110-to get over = (to recover from)يتعافى
ٝ It took me more than a month to get over my sickness.
111-to get rid of = (to become free from)يتخلص من
It certainly took Mr. Brown a long time to get rid of those old books.112-to get through = (to finish)يتم  -ينجز
When will you get through with your work tonight ?113-to get up = (to arise, wake up)ينهض من فراشه
She always gets up at six o’clock .
114-to give birth to = (to bear)تلد او تضع
Linda has just given birth to twins.115-to give in = (to surrender)يستسلم
Completely surrounded by the troops, the enemy finally gave in.116-to give off = (to release, produce)يطلق -او يخرج
Water when boiled always gives off steam.117-to give out = (to distribute, also, to become exhausted, terminate)يوزع -ينهار ينهى
He stood at the door giving out programs.118-to give someone a ring = (to telephone)يتصل تليفونيا
I’ll give you a ring as soon as I get to the station.119-to give up = (to surrender, renounce)يتخلى عن-يكف عن
Why don’t you give up working since you are very old ?120-to go around = (to be sufficient for everyooneيكفى
Are there enough chairs to go around ?121-to go down = (sink, decrease in price)يغرق -ينقص -يتناقص فى السعر
I saw a boat going down the sea.122-to go off = (to depart, explode)يرحل-ينطلق
The gun went off while he was cleaning it.123-to go on = (to continue, proceed)يستمر
Will you please go on reading loudly ?124-to go out = (to stop burning)ينطفى
When the firemen arrived, the fire had gone out
125-to go with = (to match, harmonize – in color or design)ينسجم مع
This coat doesn’t go with my trousers.126-good for nothing = (useless)عديم القيمة -تافه
This stamp is good for nothing.

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