بحث عن شجرة العائلة بالانجليزية

بحث عن شجرة العائلة بالانجليزية
شجرة العائلة بالانجليزي فارغة
اسماء افراد العائلة بالانجليزي
شجرة العائلة بالانجليزي
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شجرة العائلة باللغة الانجليزية
اسماء العائله بالانجليزي
اسم العائله بالانجليزي
A family tree is a representation of the genealogy of a person, that is to say, the list of ancestors of a person (parents, grandparents …) or his descendants. It is often done in the form of a tree.
Some trees go back to very distant ancestors.
What is a family tree?
Also known as a “family tree”, the family tree is a visual representation that helps to understand the parental ties that family members maintain across generations. The most complete tree goes back before the birth of Jesus Christ and would count 80 generations and more than 2 million people!
The image of the tree is not insignificant: its ramifications allow us to represent the various links that make up a family (marriage, births, siblings …). A complete family tree includes the name and surname of your ancestors, their dates and places of marriage, places and dates of their birth and death. The family tree can take many forms.
How to make a family tree?
Before wondering how to make a family tree, one must first answer the question: “Why do one’s family tree?” Creating a family tree is certainly not a day! It’s somewhere to go on an adventure, to discover its origins, its ancestors. So you have to don your Sherlock Holmes coat and ask a lot of questions to the right people to get as far as possible in your ancestry! Are you looking for your ancestors? Or, on the contrary, of your descendants? Both of them ? You will need to find a corresponding tree model. If you do not know what types of documents to gather to enrich your tree, we encourage you to read this exhaustive list of the essential parts for a thorough genealogical research!
The ascending and descending family tree
It is usually through the ascending family tree that genealogical research begins, what is called “bottom-up research”. It is a question of looking for and identifying each past generation of a family and thus all the ancestors of a person. The idea here is to try to go back as far as possible in time!
On the contrary, a descendant family tree aims to identify individuals descended from another.
These two types of family trees can be divided into three other types depending on what you are looking for. We distinguish :
– the complete family tree: tree that represents the family in its completeness, that is to say the set of ancestors and descendants.
– The cognitive family tree: lists only the women making up the family.

– the agnatic family tree: only men.

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