تعبير عن الطبخ باللغة الانجليزية

تعبير عن الطبخ باللغة الانجليزية
جمل و عبارات انجليزية مترجمة الحديث عن الطبخ
محادثة انجليزية في المطبخ
مواضيع او مقالات للطبخ انجليزي
طلب تعبير بالإنقلش عن الطبخ السعودي
المطبخ   The Kitchen 1  تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية مجانا
موضوع بالانجليزي عن الطبخ. موضوع
تعبير انجليزي عن الطعام عن food
عبارات إنجليزية هامة للتعبير عن أنشطتك اليومية   EF English Live
The cuisine, molecular art
The future of gastronomy is written on the lab bench. This is at least the conviction of the chemist Hervé This, who, with his accomplice Pierre Gagnaire, develops novel recipes. Heirs of “Homo erectus”, suspected of being the first past of the vintage cooked.
Cooking, an art or not?
Why am I telling you all this? Because given this intense emotion, I wondered if finally cooking was not an art. Finally because recent readings had convinced me otherwise. It is true that the subject has always been open to debate, but I have come to buy the position that cooking is not art. In contrast to the French poet and gastronome Marcel Rouff (1877-1936) for whom “cooking is the art of taste, as painting is the art of sight and music the art of hearing”, I do not adhere to this vision that I find inevitably limiting. The kitchen can not be that the art of the taste as it engages in my opinion the 5 senses. Whether you are having a meal in a big restaurant or not, the sight but also the smell, the touch and the hearing are just as essential to my tasting. For example, I have been disappointed with irreproachable products because they were sadly on a plate. For me, cooking is a sensory festival, and not just a taste.
Of course, some dishes have an artistic dimension, do not we talk about culinary art? If one refers to the historian Patrick Rambourg in his History of the French cuisine and gastronomy, several criteria come into account in the definition of this culinary art: the taste, the harmony, the know-how of the cook as well as the creativity of the dish. These criteria are also codified in the term gastronomy, understood as “the knowledge of everything related to cooking, the scheduling of meals, the art of tasting and enjoying food” (Larousse) . In addition, cooking, like art of course, is a means of expression (“a means of loving, communicating, expressing oneself, having fun” according to chef Pierre Gagnaire) and the cook, just like the artist, is in a process of authentic gift. It is also exposed to an audience and its appreciations. Beyond these isolated assessments, there are official restaurant rankings that are not unlike the listings for artists. The aestheticism of the work (both visual and tasteful) can also be a source of strong emotions, just as art can also give rise to aesthetic shocks (and even the famous Stendhal syndrome).

Despite all these points in common, the fact remains that cooking can not be an art because it is instant and ephemeral unlike art this time (although the Land Art, which uses the frame and the materials of nature such as wood, earth or pebbles, has the same characteristics to think about … but do not complicate thinking!): whatever the talent of the cook, the culinary work is doomed to disappear and finish milled by being incorporated. So much so that if one believes the magazine Beaux-Arts and Patrick Rambourg always, the conditions for a cook to be considered an artist are due to the fact that “it extends his work with a visual and ornamental harmony.” Does this mean that a cook can become an artist if he takes special care in decorating and staging his work? Are we talking about anything that can help prolong or even immortalize creation? And if so, what is the custom of calling food porn (ie the ability to make salivate and awaken the senses with quality photographs) is it not a tool like any other to perpetuate the culinary work? The memories and words of the guests are not enough to resurrect the culinary work and make it imperishable in the memories, and thus to give it an artistic dimension? It must be noted, however, that a certain number of great leaders claim to be rather artisans rather than artists, especially because they consider that their profession does not consist in pure creativity and contains many repetitive acts. .
تعبير بالانجليزي عن هواية الطبخ
جمل بالانجليزي عن الطباخ
عبارات عن الطبخ
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محادثة بالانجليزي عن الطعام الصحي

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