تعلم العامية الأمريكية : 10 عبارات تتردد بإستمرار في الحياة اليومية.

10 of the most common American English idioms and expressions

rest on your laurels” means for someone to not strive to accomplish more things in life after they achieve something

 تعني أن شخص يكون راض عن ما أنجزه أو حققه و لا يريد بدل جهد أخر لتحقيق أشياء أخرى.
  • After he placed first in the national championship, he rested on his laurels and stopped training.

fly off the handle” means for someone to get very angry

 يغضب بشدة ، يفقد أعصابه
  • She flew off the handle when she found out her friend had been lying to her.

make waves” means for someone to make a situation bad by what they say or do

 تعني أن شخص يتصرف أو يقول أشياء تجعل فقط الوضع سيئ ،  مزعج و يسبب جدال و خلافات
  • I no longer host family gatherings because when I have in the past, my brother would make waves by bringing up sensitive topics.

clear the air” means for someone to discuss a topic in order to make certain there are no misunderstandings.

 يسوي مسألة ما لتجنب أي سوء فهم , أو لتسوية أي خلاف
  • I felt better after I cleared the air with my boss about what my responsibilities are in my new job position.

going in circles” means for someone to repetitiously say or do the same thing so they aren’t accomplishing anything

 شخص يبقى في حلقة مفرغة، يبقى يقوم أو يقول نفس الشيئ بدون إحراز أي تقدم أو نتيجة
  • Every time we argue about who will do certain household chores, we go in circles and never come to an agreement on how to divide them up.

drop the ball” means for someone to not do something when they were expected to

تعني أن شخص قصر، تهاون ، نَسِي، تقاعس أو أهمل القيام بشيئ ما كان متوقع منه القيام به
  • I told her I would meet her soon, but I dropped the ball.

waste of space” means for someone to be considered an unhelpful or worthless person

 تقولها عن شخص تعتقد أنه عديم الجدوى و غير مفيد
  • I don’t know why you thought he’d help us move into our new house. He’s a waste of space.

in the home stretch” means that someone is almost finished completing something

 تقولها عندما تقترب من إنهاء شيئ ما تقوم به أو تعمل عليه ، تقريبا خلصت
  • I’ve been working on my thesis paper all month and I’m in the home stretch. I should be done in a few days.

no-brainer” means for something to not require much thought

 لا تحتاج تفكير
  • It was a no-brainer to set up the new alarm system, taking only 30 minutes to finish.

use some elbow grease” means for someone to put more effort into doing something in order to get a task completed

 تعني أن شخص ما يستعمل الكثير من الجهد و الطاقة لإنهاء عمل ما يقوم به.
  • I had to use some elbow grease to move the tree that uprooted in the storm.

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