تعلم العامية الأمريكية : 8 عبارات ستسمعها تتردد كثيرا من طرف الأمريكيين.

Go through it with a fine-tooth comb
Meaning : to examine sth thoroughly and in great detail
هذا التعبير يعني أنك يجب عليك تفحص و التدقيق في شيئ ما بالتفصيل
  • I had to go through my research paper with a fine-tooth comb before my conference started.
drop off the face of the earth
Meaning : when someone disappears
تعني أن شخص ما إختفى كليا
  • The newspaper article stated the real estate broker mysteriously dropped off the face of the earth after he received the money from his clients.
burning a hole in his pocket
Meaning : when someone is eager to spend money as soon as possible
تعني أن شخص ما ينفق المال الذي بحوزته بسرعة ، لا يهدأ له بال حتى ينفقه بأكمله 
  •  After I gave her all the money I had to pay the bills, it was burning a hole in her pocket so she went to spend it on make-up.
knock his socks off
Meaning : for someone to be pleasantly surprised
تعني أن شخص ما فَرْحان ؛ مَبْسُوط ؛ مَسْرُور ؛ أو مذهول  بسبب شيئ ما
  • His socks were knocked off when I told him that he passed the exam.
 have his back against the wall
Meaning : for someone to be in a difficult situation in which there is no choice.
تعني أن شخص ما في وضع حرج أو صعب و ليس له أي خيارات
  • Our team has its back against the wall, because this match is the last chance for us to qualify.
in the long run
Meaning : something that happens over a long period of time
على المدى البعيد،  في نهاية المطاف ، في النهاية
  • Let’s invest our money in this project because it will benefit us in the long run.
 beat the shit out of someone
Meaning : to defeat someone decisively in a fight or a competition
يوسع شخص ما ضربا أو يهزمه شر هزيمة
  • Both club’s supporters started beating the shit out of each other at the stadium during the match.

 put to rest
Meaning : for someone to end, stop doing, or dealing with sth.

تعني أن شخص ما لا يريد مواصلة القيام أو التحدث حول شيئ ما،  لننهي، لنوقف …
  •  Let’s put our discussion to rest for today.

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