شجرة العائلة باللغة الانجليزية

شجرة العائلة بالانجليزية
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شجرة العائلة بالانجليزي
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شجرة العائلة باللغة الانجليزية
اسماء العائله بالانجليزي

اسم العائله بالانجليزي
A family tree is much more than a drawing and an accumulation of data, dates and family histories. It can be a very powerful tool for understanding and treating the situation and problems of an individual.
It is far from being a healing tool, as some define it. On the other hand, the fact that he can provide us with valuable information about our origin and that he can explain to us in some way our provenance is a certainty. Some currents even dare to say that through the knowledge of the family tree, we can discover how the family unconscious interacts with the personal unconscious.
A little history…
A set of psychoanalysts with a common theory emerged in the 1960s in France. Therapy was focused on awareness through the repetition of conflicts and difficulties within families. In their therapeutic approach, they included a generational approach.
In the 1970s, “psycho-genealogy” was born. It is a method of psychoanalysis in which we focus on the relationship between the origin of the individual’s problems and the unresolved situations of his ancestors. Psycho-genealogy suggests that the simple fact of becoming aware of its problems allows a liberation and a resolution of these. In psycho-genealogy, we can find Anne Schützenberger, Didier Dumas, Jodorowsky, Bert Hellinger …
Over the last 30 years, in the psychotherapeutic field, the concept of “family unconscious” has been revived. Old oriental philosophical thoughts have been examined in which the influence of our ancestors on our lives or the strength of certain persons in the family network was emphasized. Currently, the family tree is used, and is part of clinical history as a tool, in multiple disciplines: psychotherapy, medicine, social work,
Why make a family tree?
Developing a family tree can be a very pleasant activity: discover who we are and where we come from. Do some research on our ancestors, know their origins, know what they are dedicated to … This activity can turn into a good hobby. In addition, it is based on a multitude of studies called genealogy.

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