عبارات أمريكية : مجموعة مهمة من العبارات الأمريكة المتداولة.

Common North American idioms

look like sth the cat dragged in
Meaning : for someone to be in bad condition or appearance

نقوله لشخص يبدو في حالة يرثى لها
  • After a night of drinking they came back looking like something the cat dragged in.

like herding cattle
Meaning :  something that is very difficult to handle or control

نقولها عن شيئ أو شخص يصعب التعامل معه أو التحكم به
  • My brother’s children are like herding cattle, every time they visit us I have to watch that they don’t break anything.

flies on shit
Meaning : when someone is immediately attracted to something

نعتذر غن هذا التعبير و لكن من الضروري إدراجه.
تعني أن شخص ما ينجذب على الفور لشيئ ما و يريد الحصول عليه
  • When Apple announced a free trial of their latest phone, the public responded like flies on shit.

put it to the bed
Meaning : for someone to end or postpone a topic of discussion

تعني أن شخص ما ينهي أو يؤجل النقاش حول موضوع ما لوقت آخر
  • I don’t want to discuss our financial problems in front of our friends so can we please put the topic to bed until after we leave the party?

bound and gagged
Meaning :  when someone is unable to move and speak because his mouth is covered with sth and he is tied up

تعني أن شخص ما مقيد و فمه مكمم
  • Kim Kardashian was found bound and gagged in her hotel room in the city of Paris.

cut sth short
Meaning : when someone quickly ends a conversation

تعني أن شخص ما ينهي محادثة ما بسرعة
  • My mother called me right before my meeting was about to start so I had to cut her short.

 “still at large
Meaning : when someone suspected of committing a crime has avoided being arrested

تعني أن شخص ما إرتكب جريمة لا يزال حرا طليقا
  • The bank robber is still at large.

drag his feet
Meaning: when someone procrastinates

تعني أن شخص ما يستمر في تأجيل شيئ ما لسبب ما ، أو يقوم بعمل ما ببطئ  لأنه لا يرغب القيام به.   بمعنى يماطل
  • I think he is dragging his feet on making a decision whether to accept the job offer because it would mean having to move far away.

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