موضوع تعبير عن المطبخ بالانجليزي

موضوع تعبير عن المطبخ بالانجليزي
تعبير بالانجليزي عن هواية الطبخ
تعبير عن الطعام بالانجليزي قصير
جمل بالانجليزي عن الطباخ
عبارات عن الطبخ
عبارات عن الاكل بالانجليزي
عبارات عن الطعام اللذيذ بالانجليزي
محادثة بالانجليزي عن الطعام الصحي
تعبير عن الطبخ باللغة الانجليزية
جمل و عبارات انجليزية مترجمة الحديث عن الطبخ
محادثة انجليزية في المطبخ
مواضيع او مقالات للطبخ انجليزي
طلب تعبير بالإنقلش عن الطبخ السعودي
المطبخ   The Kitchen 1  تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية مجانا
موضوع بالانجليزي عن الطبخ. موضوع
تعبير انجليزي عن الطعام عن food
عبارات إنجليزية هامة للتعبير عن أنشطتك اليومية   EF English Live
Cooking and emotions
Whether in the artistic field or not, the kitchen is in any case source of strong emotions, because of its aesthetic dimension (on the taste but also visual). The belief that inhabited me in this restaurant was that I was in contact with the Beautiful, experiencing something rare and spectacular, something that completely escaped me and totally seduced me: this strawberry sphere seemed to me inaccessible and perfect, I am obviously unable to do something like this, and I can hardly imagine how it is done but I was not in this kind of questioning. I was not in the mind at all! I was only excited, with a smug and stunned smile. Then in a form of recollection before tasting, silent and focused on my feelings and letting out murmurings of ecstasy during. Before being assailed by the desire to exchange on this magical moment with the person who accompanied me, to make sure that she shared the same emotion as me, no doubt?

Art or not, ultimately it does not matter. What I remember from this unspeakable experience is that cooking has powerful effects and can fill happiness. The famous chef Michel Bras does not consider, moreover, that as a cook, he is a “merchant of happiness”. It’s also a “school of life” as Perla Servan-Schreiber so beautifully puts it. It invites us to welcome impermanence, to appreciate the fleetingness of the moment, to be fully aware of what we are experiencing. By a form of natural recollection, the kitchen invites us to slow down and savor the spectacle of the present moment. And to give a very personal interpretation, which we can choose to share with the person who accompanies us or others thereafter. So I give you mine: this round sphere, perfect shape and inaccessible at the beginning, which we hardly dare to touch as it is beautiful and promising, as the field seems virgin and mysterious wins in my opinion to crackle under the effect of strawberry coulis, which flows long and regularly on its sides. This external agent allows him to open slowly with patience, the strawberry is so authentic and reveals its treasure, discover its richness and complexity, its fragility too, before allowing its tasting … Interpretation any personal, therefore, but it is a symbolic projection that speaks to me at this moment. Who knows !

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