28 – من أهم الأفعال المركبة لتحسن لغتك الإنجليزية .

most important phrasal verbs

plow into” means to collide with something

 يصطدم بشخص أو بشيئ ما
  • The lady plowed into the orange juice vendor’s stand with her cart because she was distracted by her baby crying.

soak up” means for something to absorb something else

 يمتص أو يتشرب
  • I quickly grabbed a towel because I spilled grape juice on the rug and I needed something to soak it up.

soak in 1″ means for something to be submerged in liquid

 ينغمس في
  • Let your sore feet soak in the foot bath solution for  20 minutes so they feel better.

soak in 2″ means for something to be absorbed

  يتسرب إلى  أو ينفذ إلى
  • Don’t forget to apply sunblock , and let it soak in for 20 minutes before you go to the beach.

crack up 1″ means to laugh or be amused

 ينفجر من الضحك
  • That comedian is so funny, his jokes always crack me up.

crack up 2″ means to have a mental breakdown

 ينهار نفسيا
  • After he lost his job and his wife divorced him, he completely cracked up.

crack down” means to deal with a situation more severely

 يتعامل بحزم ، يضرب بيد من حديد
  • The school is cracking down on student athletes who aren’t taking their studies seriously and banning them from sports if they fail any of their classes.

stir up 1″ means to blend ingredients while cooking or baking

 يحرك أو يخلط – لدمج عناصر مختلفة
  • Stir up the salad dressing before pouring onto the salad so everything is mixed well.

stir up 2″ means for someone to provoke someone or cause trouble

 يفتعل أو يثير شيئ ما – كالمشاكل أو الفتن إلخ
  • Every time my aunt visits my mother, she stirs up a commotion by gossiping and then my mother gets upset.

speak up 1″ means for someone to talk at a louder volume

 إرفع صوتك – لنسمعك
  • Please speak up. I can’t hear what you’re saying in this noisy restaurant.

speak up 2″ means for someone to communicate their opinion

 يعبر عن رأيه أو موقفه
  • She spoke up when the office manager asked her to work on Saturday, because she felt she already put in enough hours at her job.

speak up for” means for someone to defend or represent someone who isn’t able to do it for themselves

يتحدث نيابة عن شخص أو أشخاص أخرين ليدافع عنه/هم  أو يمثله/هم
  • The man spoke up for his elderly neighbors, requesting the police patrol their neighborhood more often because recent burglaries have made the residents feel unsafe.

think up” means for someone to produce or create something

 يختلق ، يبتدع
  • I need to think up a theme for my son’s birthday party.

peel off” means for someone to remove something

  • The monkey enjoyed peeling off the skins from the bananas even if he wasn’t going to eat them.

delve into” means for someone to thoroughly examine something

 يتعمق في
  • The professor will delve into the topic of  fair trade agreements next semester.

flip out” means for someone to become angry

 يشتاط غضبا ، يفقد صوابه
  • Our father is going to flip out when he finds out we broke the window.

heat up 1″ means for someone to warm something

 يسخن، يدفئ
  • I’ll heat up the leftover pizza for dinner.
  • I built a fire in the fireplace to heat up the room.

heat up 2″ means for something to become more lively

 ينتعش أو ينشط – تملئه الحياة
  • Things are really heating up in this little town since the movie theater opened up.

act up” means for someone to behave badly

 يتصرف بشكل غير لائق
  • The kids act up with the babysitter when the parents go out for the evening.

act out” means for someone to behave badly

 يسيئ التصرف
  • The troubled boy acts out in class in order to get attention.

scrape by” means for someone to barely be able to support themselves financially

 بالكاد يعيل نفسه ، ما يجنيه من مال يكفيه فقط للقيام بأشياء معينة
  • I’m just scraping by even though I’m working two jobs.

iron out” means for someone to solve a problem or conflict

يسوي أو يحل – مشكلة ، خلاف ، أوشيئ صعب إلخ
  •  She ironed things out with her best friend about the misunderstanding they had earlier that day.

veg out” means for someone to relax

  • I don’t feel like doing school work. I’d rather veg out in front of the TV and watch a movie.

mull over” means for someone to consider something

 يفكر بالأمر مليا
  • Let me mull over the idea of selling my farm to the developers.

own up (to)” means for someone to admit something

 يعترف بأنه قام بشيئ ما
  • I wish you’d own up to stealing the money from the teacher so the entire class doesn’t get punished.

rope in” means for someone to persuade someone to do something

أُقْنع للقيام بشيئ ما –  بطريقة أو بأخرى
  • I don’t have time to spare, but I still got roped in to helping him with his work.

jump at” means for someone to enthusiastically agree to something

 يقبل القيام بشيئ ما بلهفة و حماس
  • I jumped at the chance to go to the concert when my friend said he had an extra ticket.

sink in” means for something to be clearly understood

  يتضح جليا، يصبح واضح ، يُفهم
  • As she watched her son drive away, the reality of her and her husband living alone in the big house began to sink in.

trail off” means for something to become gradually more quiet

 يخفت بشكل تدريجي
  • Her voice trailed off as she walked away from me.

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