Lyric Hamam El douh – Ahmad El Sherif / حمام الدوح – أحمد الشريف

Original Lyric (Arabic)
كلمات حمام الدوح – أحمد الشريف

حمام الدوح يا طاير جناحو رفاق الروح سابونى و راحوا

دموعى سيل أنا و الليل يا ويل اليل عقليبى و جراحوا

ياطير اللو وصل للغوالى مادوق النوم ولا سائل بحالى

واعتب عليهم فرقاهم ضنانى ودموعى غيم ممطر فى سماهم

حمام الدوح يا طاير جناحو رفاق الروح سابونى و راحوا

دوبنى الشوق تعبنى هواهم يا طير فوق اتبعلى خطاهم

أنا محبوب ما يحمل عذابى وليالى البعد يا طول اليالى

حمام الدوح يا طاير جناحو رفاق الروح سابونى و راحوا

Translation in English

Lyric Oh white dove by Ahmad El Sherif

Oh white dove, soaring with its wings, my soul mates have left me and gone.
My tears are dripping and I dread the night for my heart and its wounds.
Oh dove, tell the precious ones that I don’t taste sleep nor do I care for myself.
And blame them for walking out and my tears are a raining cloud in their sky.
Oh white dove, soaring with its wings, my soul mates have left me and gone.
Longing has melted me, their love tires me, oh dove keep track of their doings for me.
I am a lover who does not hold a grudge and oh how long the nights have grown.
Oh white dove, soaring with its wings, my soul mates have left me and gone.

Teks Latin

Lyric Hamam Eldoo7 by Ahmad El Sherif

7amam eldou7 ya tayer jena7o refag elrou7 sabouni w ra7ou.
Dmou3i yseel ana wellayl ya wel ellayl 3aqleebi w jra7ou.
Ya tayr 2elou wasl lelghawali madouq el nom wala sa2el b7ali.
We3tb 3alayhom foraghom danani w dmou3i ghaym tomtor fi samahom.
7amam eldou7 ya tayer jena7o refag elrou7 sabouni w ra7ou.
Dawebni elshoug ta3ebni hawahom ya tayer fouq etba3li khatahom.
Ana ma7boob ma ye7mol 3athabi w layali alb3d ya toul elayali.
7amam eldou7 ya tayer jena7o refag elrou7 sabouni w ra7ou.

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